“Hardly” và “Barely” là hai từ phổ biến trong tiếng Anh, thường được sử dụng để diễn tả một mức độ rất ít hoặc hầu như không có. Tuy nhiên, do có sự tương đồng về nghĩa, nhiều người học tiếng Anh gặp khó khăn trong việc phân biệt và sử dụng chúng đúng ngữ cảnh.
Học thêm bài cũ tại: Phân biệt “Look” và “See” và 100 câu luyện tập
Hoặc đọc series bài viết luyện thi IELTS online.
Định Nghĩa và Ý Nghĩa Của “Hardly” và “Barely”
“Hardly” thường mang nghĩa “hầu như không” hoặc “không đáng kể”. Nó thường được dùng để nhấn mạnh rằng một hành động nào đó gần như không xảy ra hoặc xảy ra rất ít.
Ví dụ:
- I hardly know him. (Tôi hầu như không biết anh ấy.)
- She hardly eats anything for breakfast. (Cô ấy hầu như không ăn gì vào bữa sáng.)

Hardly anyone showed up to the meeting. | Hầu như không ai đến buổi họp. |
I could hardly hear what she was saying. | Tôi hầu như không nghe thấy cô ấy nói gì. |
He hardly ever visits his grandparents. | Anh ấy hầu như không bao giờ thăm ông bà của mình. |
The food was so spicy that I could hardly eat it. | Món ăn quá cay đến mức tôi hầu như không thể ăn được. |
We hardly had any time to prepare for the exam. | Chúng tôi hầu như không có thời gian chuẩn bị cho kỳ thi. |
She hardly speaks to anyone at work. | Cô ấy hầu như không nói chuyện với ai ở chỗ làm. |
I hardly recognized him with his new haircut. | Tôi hầu như không nhận ra anh ấy với kiểu tóc mới. |
They could hardly believe their eyes. | Họ hầu như không thể tin vào mắt mình. |
We hardly made any progress on the project. | Chúng tôi hầu như không đạt được tiến bộ nào trong dự án. |
He was so tired that he could hardly stand. | Anh ấy mệt đến mức hầu như không thể đứng vững. |
The weather was so bad, I could hardly see the road. | Thời tiết tệ đến mức tôi hầu như không nhìn thấy đường. |
She hardly smiled during the entire conversation. | Cô ấy hầu như không cười suốt cuộc trò chuyện. |
I hardly know anything about that topic. | Tôi hầu như không biết gì về chủ đề đó. |
He could hardly contain his excitement. | Anh ấy hầu như không thể kiềm chế được sự phấn khích của mình. |
We hardly had any money left after the trip. | Chúng tôi hầu như không còn tiền sau chuyến đi. |
The movie was so boring that I could hardly stay awake. | Bộ phim quá buồn chán đến mức tôi hầu như không thể giữ mình tỉnh táo. |
She could hardly lift the heavy box. | Cô ấy hầu như không thể nhấc được cái hộp nặng. |
Hardly a day goes by without thinking about him. | Hầu như không có ngày nào trôi qua mà tôi không nghĩ về anh ấy. |
They could hardly wait for the holiday to begin. | Họ hầu như không thể chờ đợi kỳ nghỉ bắt đầu. |
He was hardly able to finish the race. | Anh ấy hầu như không thể hoàn thành cuộc đua. |
She hardly touched her dinner. | Cô ấy hầu như không đụng đến bữa tối của mình. |
I can hardly believe that it’s already December. | Tôi hầu như không thể tin được rằng đã là tháng 12 rồi. |
We hardly talked during the long car ride. | Chúng tôi hầu như không nói chuyện trong suốt chuyến đi dài. |
The room was so dark, I could hardly see anything. | Căn phòng quá tối đến mức tôi hầu như không nhìn thấy gì. |
Hardly anyone knew the answer to the question. | Hầu như không ai biết câu trả lời cho câu hỏi đó. |
The team could hardly handle the pressure. | Nhóm hầu như không thể chịu đựng nổi áp lực. |
He could hardly keep his eyes open during the meeting. | Anh ấy hầu như không thể giữ cho đôi mắt của mình mở trong cuộc họp. |
We hardly slept last night because of the noise. | Chúng tôi hầu như không ngủ được đêm qua vì tiếng ồn. |
She could hardly keep up with the fast-paced conversation. | Cô ấy hầu như không thể theo kịp cuộc trò chuyện nhanh. |
I hardly got any sleep last night. | Tôi hầu như không ngủ được chút nào đêm qua. |
The weather was so hot, we could hardly move. | Thời tiết quá nóng đến mức chúng tôi hầu như không thể di chuyển. |
They hardly made any sales at the event. | Họ hầu như không bán được hàng ở sự kiện. |
He could hardly believe the news. | Anh ấy hầu như không thể tin vào tin tức đó. |
I could hardly wait to open my birthday presents. | Tôi hầu như không thể chờ để mở quà sinh nhật của mình. |
She could hardly walk after the long hike. | Cô ấy hầu như không thể đi lại sau chuyến đi bộ dài. |
We hardly ever go out to eat. | Chúng tôi hầu như không bao giờ đi ăn ngoài. |
The singer’s voice was so soft, I could hardly hear it. | Giọng ca sĩ quá nhỏ đến mức tôi hầu như không nghe được. |
I could hardly finish my homework on time. | Tôi hầu như không thể hoàn thành bài tập về nhà đúng hạn. |
They could hardly reach an agreement. | Họ hầu như không đạt được thỏa thuận nào. |
She was so nervous, she could hardly speak. | Cô ấy quá lo lắng đến mức hầu như không thể nói được. |
I hardly noticed the time passing by. | Tôi hầu như không nhận ra thời gian trôi qua. |
He could hardly contain his laughter. | Anh ấy hầu như không thể kiềm chế được tiếng cười của mình. |
The weather was so cold, we could hardly stay outside. | Thời tiết quá lạnh đến mức chúng tôi hầu như không thể ở ngoài. |
We hardly had enough time to catch the train. | Chúng tôi hầu như không có đủ thời gian để bắt kịp chuyến tàu. |
She could hardly believe her luck. | Cô ấy hầu như không thể tin vào vận may của mình. |
The lights were so dim, I could hardly read my book. | Đèn quá mờ đến mức tôi hầu như không thể đọc sách. |
They could hardly afford to pay their bills. | Họ hầu như không có khả năng trả hóa đơn. |
I could hardly stop myself from laughing. | Tôi hầu như không thể ngừng cười. |
He hardly ever calls his friends anymore. | Anh ấy hầu như không bao giờ gọi điện cho bạn bè nữa. |
I hardly knew anyone at the party. | Tôi hầu như không biết ai ở bữa tiệc. |
They could hardly wait to see the concert. | Họ hầu như không thể chờ đợi để xem buổi hòa nhạc. |
The teacher hardly explained the new lesson. | Giáo viên hầu như không giải thích bài học mới. |
We could hardly hear the music at the back of the room. | Chúng tôi hầu như không thể nghe thấy nhạc ở phía cuối phòng. |
I hardly expected such a surprise. | Tôi hầu như không mong đợi một bất ngờ như vậy. |
The exam was so difficult, I could hardly answer any questions. | Bài kiểm tra quá khó đến mức tôi hầu như không thể trả lời câu hỏi nào. |
He could hardly run after injuring his leg. | Anh ấy hầu như không thể chạy sau khi bị chấn thương chân. |
We hardly spent any money on the trip. | Chúng tôi hầu như không tiêu tốn bao nhiêu tiền cho chuyến đi. |
She hardly noticed the change in the room. | Cô ấy hầu như không nhận ra sự thay đổi trong căn phòng. |
They could hardly contain their excitement for the trip. | Họ hầu như không thể kiềm chế được sự phấn khích của mình cho chuyến đi. |
I could hardly keep my balance on the slippery floor. | Tôi hầu như không giữ được thăng bằng trên sàn trơn trượt. |
The store was so crowded, I could hardly move. | Cửa hàng quá đông đến mức tôi hầu như không thể di chuyển. |
He hardly gets any exercise these days. | Anh ấy hầu như không tập thể dục trong thời gian này. |
We could hardly finish the huge meal. | Chúng tôi hầu như không thể ăn hết bữa ăn lớn. |
She could hardly breathe after running up the stairs. | Cô ấy hầu như không thở nổi sau khi chạy lên cầu thang. |
The water was so cold, we could hardly swim in it. | Nước quá lạnh đến mức chúng tôi hầu như không thể bơi. |
I hardly ever watch television anymore. | Tôi hầu như không bao giờ xem TV nữa. |
He could hardly find his way in the dark. | Anh ấy hầu như không thể tìm đường trong bóng tối. |
The car was so fast, we could hardly keep up. | Xe quá nhanh đến mức chúng tôi hầu như không thể theo kịp. |
They hardly spoke during the long journey. | Họ hầu như không nói chuyện suốt chuyến đi dài. |
I could hardly wait to see the new movie. | Tôi hầu như không thể chờ đợi để xem bộ phim mới. |
She could hardly believe how beautiful the view was. | Cô ấy hầu như không thể tin được cảnh đẹp đó. |
We hardly had any time to pack our bags. | Chúng tôi hầu như không có thời gian để đóng gói hành lý. |
He could hardly stand after working all day. | Anh ấy hầu như không thể đứng vững sau một ngày làm việc. |
I hardly understood the instructions. | Tôi hầu như không hiểu hướng dẫn. |
They could hardly wait for the party to start. | Họ hầu như không thể chờ đợi bữa tiệc bắt đầu. |
The rain was so heavy, we could hardly see the road. | Mưa quá to đến mức chúng tôi hầu như không nhìn thấy đường. |
He hardly had time to eat breakfast this morning. | Anh ấy hầu như không có thời gian để ăn sáng sáng nay. |
I could hardly contain my joy when I heard the news. | Tôi hầu như không thể kiềm chế niềm vui khi nghe tin tức. |
She could hardly sleep because of the noise outside. | Cô ấy hầu như không thể ngủ được vì tiếng ồn bên ngoài. |
We hardly managed to finish the project on time. | Chúng tôi hầu như không thể hoàn thành dự án đúng hạn. |
I could hardly remember what happened yesterday. | Tôi hầu như không nhớ được chuyện gì đã xảy ra hôm qua. |
They hardly earned any money from the sale. | Họ hầu như không kiếm được tiền từ việc bán hàng. |
The room was so hot, we could hardly breathe. | Phòng quá nóng đến mức chúng tôi hầu như không thở nổi. |
I could hardly control my excitement for the trip. | Tôi hầu như không thể kiềm chế được sự phấn khích của mình cho chuyến đi. |
The music was so loud, I could hardly think. | Nhạc quá lớn đến mức tôi hầu như không thể suy nghĩ. |
She could hardly lift the suitcase by herself. | Cô ấy hầu như không thể nhấc chiếc vali một mình. |
We could hardly stay awake after the long flight. | Chúng tôi hầu như không thể giữ mình tỉnh táo sau chuyến bay dài. |
He hardly touched his food at dinner. | Anh ấy hầu như không đụng đến thức ăn trong bữa tối. |
The path was so narrow, we could hardly walk on it. | Con đường quá hẹp đến mức chúng tôi hầu như không thể đi bộ trên đó. |
I hardly spoke to anyone at the event. | Tôi hầu như không nói chuyện với ai tại sự kiện. |
They could hardly believe what they saw. | Họ hầu như không thể tin vào những gì họ thấy. |
The task was so difficult, I could hardly complete it. | Nhiệm vụ quá khó đến mức tôi hầu như không thể hoàn thành. |
She hardly paid attention during the lecture. | Cô ấy hầu như không chú ý trong buổi giảng. |
The competition was so tough, we could hardly win. | Cuộc thi quá khắc nghiệt đến mức chúng tôi hầu như không thể thắng. |
I could hardly finish my meal because it was so filling. | Tôi hầu như không thể ăn hết bữa ăn vì nó quá no. |
They hardly knew each other before getting married. | Họ hầu như không biết nhau trước khi kết hôn. |
The book was so boring, I could hardly keep reading. | Cuốn sách quá buồn chán đến mức tôi hầu như không thể tiếp tục đọc. |
He could hardly speak after running so fast. | Anh ấy hầu như không thể nói sau khi chạy quá nhanh. |
We hardly spent any time at the party before leaving. | Chúng tôi hầu như không dành bao nhiêu thời gian tại bữa tiệc trước khi rời đi. |
I could hardly believe how fast time flew by. | Tôi hầu như không thể tin được thời gian trôi qua nhanh đến vậy. |
“Barely” cũng mang nghĩa “gần như không” nhưng mang ý nghĩa rằng một điều gì đó chỉ vừa đủ hoặc xảy ra với mức độ rất nhỏ. Nó thường dùng để nói rằng một hành động chỉ vừa mới được thực hiện hoặc một sự kiện chỉ vừa mới xảy ra.
Ví dụ:
- He barely passed the exam. (Anh ấy chỉ vừa mới đủ điểm qua kỳ thi.)
- There’s barely enough food for everyone. (Thức ăn chỉ vừa đủ cho mọi người.)

He barely passed the exam. | Anh ấy gần như không qua được kỳ thi. |
I barely recognized him after so many years. | Tôi gần như không nhận ra anh ấy sau nhiều năm. |
She barely made it to the meeting on time. | Cô ấy vừa kịp đến cuộc họp đúng giờ. |
They barely talked to each other during the event. | Họ gần như không nói chuyện với nhau trong suốt sự kiện. |
I barely have enough money for the trip. | Tôi gần như không có đủ tiền cho chuyến đi. |
He barely managed to catch the last train. | Anh ấy chỉ vừa kịp bắt chuyến tàu cuối cùng. |
We barely survived the storm. | Chúng tôi vừa kịp sống sót qua cơn bão. |
The food was barely enough for everyone. | Thức ăn gần như không đủ cho tất cả mọi người. |
She barely touched her dinner. | Cô ấy hầu như không động đến bữa tối của mình. |
I barely heard what he said. | Tôi gần như không nghe được những gì anh ấy nói. |
He barely slept last night. | Anh ấy gần như không ngủ tối qua. |
They barely escaped from the fire. | Họ chỉ vừa kịp thoát khỏi đám cháy. |
I barely understood the instructions. | Tôi gần như không hiểu các chỉ dẫn. |
She barely smiled at me. | Cô ấy chỉ vừa cười với tôi. |
He barely managed to keep his job. | Anh ấy gần như không giữ được công việc của mình. |
We barely had any time left before the deadline. | Chúng tôi gần như không có thời gian trước hạn chót. |
I barely managed to open the jar. | Tôi chỉ vừa mở được cái lọ. |
The plane barely took off before the storm hit. | Máy bay vừa kịp cất cánh trước khi cơn bão ập đến. |
They barely fit into the small car. | Họ chỉ vừa kịp ngồi vào chiếc xe nhỏ. |
She barely reached the top shelf. | Cô ấy chỉ vừa với tới cái kệ trên cùng. |
I barely know anything about the topic. | Tôi gần như không biết gì về chủ đề này. |
He barely finished his homework. | Anh ấy gần như không hoàn thành bài tập về nhà. |
They barely noticed the change in weather. | Họ gần như không nhận ra sự thay đổi thời tiết. |
I barely managed to carry the heavy box. | Tôi chỉ vừa kịp mang được cái hộp nặng. |
She barely knew what to say in response. | Cô ấy gần như không biết phải nói gì để đáp lại. |
He barely survived the accident. | Anh ấy chỉ vừa kịp sống sót sau vụ tai nạn. |
I barely made it through the day without coffee. | Tôi vừa kịp trải qua ngày mà không cần cà phê. |
We barely had enough time to say goodbye. | Chúng tôi chỉ vừa kịp nói lời tạm biệt. |
The teacher barely noticed the mistake. | Giáo viên gần như không nhận ra lỗi sai. |
They barely managed to control the situation. | Họ chỉ vừa kiểm soát được tình hình. |
I barely had any time to rest. | Tôi gần như không có thời gian nghỉ ngơi. |
She barely finished the race. | Cô ấy chỉ vừa hoàn thành cuộc đua. |
He barely caught the ball. | Anh ấy vừa kịp bắt lấy quả bóng. |
We barely had enough water for the hike. | Chúng tôi gần như không có đủ nước cho chuyến đi bộ. |
The computer was barely functioning. | Máy tính gần như không hoạt động. |
They barely found a place to stay for the night. | Họ chỉ vừa tìm được chỗ nghỉ qua đêm. |
I barely touched the ground when I jumped. | Tôi chỉ vừa chạm đất khi tôi nhảy. |
She barely believed what she heard. | Cô ấy gần như không tin vào những gì mình nghe thấy. |
He barely stayed awake during the meeting. | Anh ấy chỉ vừa giữ được tỉnh táo trong cuộc họp. |
We barely made it through the traffic in time. | Chúng tôi chỉ vừa kịp vượt qua kẹt xe. |
The train barely left the station before the announcement. | Chuyến tàu vừa rời ga trước khi thông báo được đưa ra. |
I barely managed to hold back my laughter. | Tôi chỉ vừa kịp ngăn mình không cười. |
She barely got to the airport in time. | Cô ấy chỉ vừa đến sân bay kịp giờ. |
He barely avoided an accident. | Anh ấy gần như vừa tránh được một vụ tai nạn. |
We barely finished packing before leaving. | Chúng tôi chỉ vừa kịp hoàn thành việc đóng gói trước khi đi. |
They barely managed to raise enough money. | Họ chỉ vừa kịp quyên góp đủ tiền. |
I barely survived the long flight. | Tôi chỉ vừa sống sót qua chuyến bay dài. |
She barely passed the driving test. | Cô ấy chỉ vừa qua được bài kiểm tra lái xe. |
He barely made it to the concert. | Anh ấy chỉ vừa kịp đến buổi hòa nhạc. |
We barely recognized the place after the renovation. | Chúng tôi gần như không nhận ra nơi đó sau khi sửa chữa. |
I barely got any sleep last night. | Tối qua tôi gần như không ngủ được. |
She barely knew anyone at the party. | Cô ấy gần như không biết ai tại bữa tiệc. |
He barely touched his drink. | Anh ấy gần như không chạm đến đồ uống của mình. |
We barely had enough seats for everyone. | Chúng tôi gần như không đủ chỗ ngồi cho mọi người. |
The team barely won the match. | Đội chỉ vừa kịp chiến thắng trận đấu. |
I barely caught the bus this morning. | Tôi chỉ vừa kịp bắt chuyến xe buýt sáng nay. |
She barely survived the harsh winter. | Cô ấy gần như vừa sống sót qua mùa đông khắc nghiệt. |
He barely made it to the office before it closed. | Anh ấy chỉ vừa kịp đến văn phòng trước khi nó đóng cửa. |
We barely escaped the rain. | Chúng tôi chỉ vừa thoát khỏi cơn mưa. |
I barely finished my essay before the deadline. | Tôi chỉ vừa kịp hoàn thành bài luận trước hạn chót. |
She barely noticed the difference. | Cô ấy gần như không nhận ra sự khác biệt. |
He barely spoke during the interview. | Anh ấy gần như không nói gì trong buổi phỏng vấn. |
We barely fit all our luggage into the car. | Chúng tôi gần như không có đủ chỗ để chứa hết hành lý. |
I barely had any time for breakfast. | Tôi gần như không có thời gian ăn sáng. |
She barely remembered his name. | Cô ấy gần như không nhớ tên anh ấy. |
He barely survived the surgery. | Anh ấy chỉ vừa kịp sống sót sau ca phẫu thuật. |
We barely got there before the shop closed. | Chúng tôi chỉ vừa kịp đến nơi trước khi cửa hàng đóng cửa. |
I barely had any energy left. | Tôi gần như không còn chút năng lượng nào. |
She barely knew what to say to comfort him. | Cô ấy gần như không biết nói gì để an ủi anh ấy. |
He barely passed the fitness test. | Anh ấy gần như vừa kịp qua bài kiểm tra thể lực. |
They barely caught the last bus home. | Họ chỉ vừa kịp bắt chuyến xe buýt cuối cùng về nhà. |
I barely managed to keep up with the conversation. | Tôi chỉ vừa kịp theo kịp cuộc trò chuyện. |
She barely managed to finish the marathon. | Cô ấy vừa kịp hoàn thành cuộc thi marathon. |
He barely spoke a word during dinner. | Anh ấy gần như không nói một lời trong bữa tối. |
We barely had enough fuel to reach the next station. | Chúng tôi gần như không có đủ nhiên liệu để đến trạm tiếp theo. |
The baby barely cried during the flight. | Đứa bé gần như không khóc trong suốt chuyến bay. |
I barely saw the car before it sped past. | Tôi chỉ vừa kịp thấy chiếc xe trước khi nó lao qua. |
She barely finished her assignment in time. | Cô ấy chỉ vừa hoàn thành bài tập trước thời hạn. |
He barely knew how to use the new software. | Anh ấy gần như không biết cách sử dụng phần mềm mới. |
We barely made a profit last year. | Chúng tôi chỉ vừa kiếm được chút lợi nhuận vào năm ngoái. |
The food was barely edible. | Thức ăn gần như không thể ăn nổi. |
I barely noticed the mistake on the report. | Tôi chỉ vừa nhận ra lỗi sai trong báo cáo. |
She barely had time to say goodbye. | Cô ấy chỉ vừa kịp nói lời tạm biệt. |
He barely caught the ball in time. | Anh ấy chỉ vừa bắt kịp quả bóng. |
They barely found any clues at the scene. | Họ gần như không tìm thấy bất kỳ manh mối nào tại hiện trường. |
I barely felt the earthquake. | Tôi gần như không cảm nhận được trận động đất. |
She barely knew where to start. | Cô ấy gần như không biết bắt đầu từ đâu. |
He barely made it through the tough interview. | Anh ấy chỉ vừa kịp vượt qua cuộc phỏng vấn khó khăn. |
We barely had enough light to see. | Chúng tôi gần như không có đủ ánh sáng để nhìn thấy. |
The phone barely worked after it got wet. | Chiếc điện thoại gần như không hoạt động sau khi bị ướt. |
I barely had enough strength to finish the workout. | Tôi gần như không có đủ sức để hoàn thành bài tập. |
She barely avoided a collision. | Cô ấy chỉ vừa kịp tránh một vụ va chạm. |
He barely recognized his old friends. | Anh ấy gần như không nhận ra những người bạn cũ. |
We barely saw any wildlife during the trip. | Chúng tôi chỉ vừa kịp thấy động vật hoang dã trong chuyến đi. |
The plane barely touched down before the storm hit. | Máy bay vừa kịp hạ cánh trước khi bão đến. |
I barely held back my tears during the sad movie. | Tôi chỉ vừa kịp ngăn nước mắt trong bộ phim buồn. |
She barely finished speaking when the phone rang. | Cô ấy chỉ vừa kịp nói xong thì điện thoại reo. |
He barely survived the difficult climb. | Anh ấy gần như vừa sống sót sau cuộc leo núi khó khăn. |
We barely managed to catch the ferry. | Chúng tôi chỉ vừa kịp bắt chuyến phà. |
I barely recognized the song from my childhood. | Tôi gần như không nhận ra bài hát từ thời thơ ấu của mình. |
Sự Khác Biệt Giữa “Hardly” và “Barely”
Về Mức Độ
- “Hardly” nhấn mạnh mức độ rất ít hoặc gần như không, trong khi “Barely” thường chỉ một hành động hoặc sự việc vừa mới đạt tới mức tối thiểu.
- Ví dụ: “I can hardly see you in the dark.” (Tôi hầu như không nhìn thấy bạn trong bóng tối.) – nhấn mạnh vào việc không thể nhìn thấy.
- “I can barely see you in the dark.” (Tôi chỉ vừa nhìn thấy bạn trong bóng tối.) – nghĩa là có thể nhìn thấy nhưng rất khó khăn.
Về Sắc Thái Nghĩa
- “Hardly” mang sắc thái phủ định mạnh hơn “Barely”. “Hardly” thường được dùng khi muốn nhấn mạnh vào sự thiếu thốn hoặc gần như không có của một hành động, trong khi “Barely” thiên về diễn tả sự đạt được mức tối thiểu.
- Ví dụ: “He hardly slept last night.” (Anh ấy hầu như không ngủ tối qua.) – nhấn mạnh vào việc ngủ rất ít hoặc không ngủ.
- “He barely slept last night.” (Anh ấy chỉ vừa ngủ một chút tối qua.) – nhấn mạnh vào việc có ngủ nhưng rất ít.
Về Vị Trí Trong Câu
- Cả hai từ “Hardly” và “Barely” thường được đặt trước động từ chính trong câu.
- Ví dụ: “I can hardly believe it.” (Tôi hầu như không thể tin điều đó.)
- “We barely had time to finish our work.” (Chúng tôi chỉ vừa có đủ thời gian để hoàn thành công việc.)
Cách Dùng “Hardly” và “Barely” Trong Câu
Dùng Trong Câu Phủ Định
“Hardly” và “Barely” thường được sử dụng để tạo ra câu mang nghĩa phủ định. Tuy nhiên, chúng không kết hợp với “not” trong câu vì chúng đã mang ý nghĩa phủ định sẵn.
- Sai: I do not hardly know her.
- Đúng: I hardly know her. (Tôi hầu như không biết cô ấy.)
- Sai: He did not barely pass the test.
- Đúng: He barely passed the test. (Anh ấy chỉ vừa đủ điểm qua bài kiểm tra.)
Dùng Với Các Trạng Từ Khác
Cả “Hardly” và “Barely” đều có thể kết hợp với các trạng từ khác để nhấn mạnh hơn vào ý nghĩa của câu.
- Ví dụ: “She could hardly ever understand math.” (Cô ấy hầu như không bao giờ hiểu toán.)
- “I could barely even see the road.” (Tôi gần như không thể nhìn thấy con đường.)
Bài Tập Vận Dụng
Sửa lỗi sai trong câu
- I could hardly see the mountain because it was barely foggy.
- She barely had time to finish her breakfast before she hardly left for work.
- He barely studies for his exams, so he hardly passed.
- I hardly have any money left after I barely bought groceries.
- We can hardly find a place to park because there is barely any parking space.
- The baby is hardly crying, but it’s barely noticeable.
- I barely have any friends, so I hardly go out.
- The food was barely cooked, and we could hardly eat it.
- There was hardly anyone at the party because it was barely advertised.
- I barely can remember his name because we hardly met.
- She hardly speaks English, so she can barely understand the instructions.
- We could hardly hear the music because it was barely turned on.
- I can hardly believe he barely finished the race.
- He hardly ever goes out, so he barely knows his neighbors.
- She barely eats anything, so she hardly gains weight.
- I could barely see the board because the teacher was hardly writing anything.
- He was hardly surprised by the news since he barely cared.
- I can barely keep my eyes open because I hardly slept last night.
- She barely made any mistakes, so I hardly had to correct her.
- The restaurant was hardly busy, so we barely had to wait.
- The weather is barely cold, so we hardly need jackets.
- He could hardly run because he barely trained.
- She could barely answer the questions because she hardly studied.
- I barely saw him at the party because I hardly stayed long.
- The children are hardly playing because they are barely tired.
- I could hardly taste the soup because it was barely seasoned.
- He barely spoke during the meeting because he hardly understood the topic.
- I can hardly breathe because the air is barely fresh.
- She hardly recognized him because he barely changed.
- We could hardly sleep because the room was barely quiet.
- The store was hardly open, and we barely bought anything.
- She barely got the job because she hardly prepared for the interview.
- I hardly enjoyed the movie because I could barely hear it.
- He could barely finish his meal because he hardly liked it.
- We barely went out because we hardly had free time.
- She could hardly concentrate because she barely slept.
- The music was barely loud, so we could hardly dance.
- I barely felt the cold because I was hardly outside.
- He could hardly swim because he barely practiced.
- I can hardly walk because I barely rested my feet.
- The room was hardly clean because it was barely vacuumed.
- We could hardly enjoy our vacation because we barely relaxed.
- The book is hardly interesting because it’s barely detailed.
- She could hardly answer because she was barely paying attention.
- I barely noticed the time because I was hardly looking at the clock.
- He could barely finish the marathon because he hardly trained.
- I hardly felt the pain because the cut was barely deep.
- We barely made it to the show because we hardly left on time.
- She could barely stay awake because she hardly slept.
- He was hardly involved because he barely knew the project details.
- I could barely drive because I was hardly awake.
- The food was hardly edible because it was barely cooked.
- She could barely pass the test because she hardly studied.
- I barely had any energy left because I hardly ate anything.
- He could hardly see because his glasses were barely clean.
- She was barely present because she hardly contributed to the discussion.
- We could hardly recognize the place because it barely changed.
- I barely talked to him because we hardly met before.
- She could barely understand because the instructions were hardly clear.
- I can hardly hear you because your voice is barely audible.
- He could barely remember the incident because he hardly thought about it.
- We could hardly find our way because the map was barely detailed.
- I can hardly find time to relax because I barely have any free time.
- The water was hardly warm because it was barely heated.
- I could barely see the movie because I was hardly paying attention.
- The lecture was hardly engaging because it was barely relevant.
- She barely managed to get home because she was hardly feeling well.
- We could hardly see the stars because the sky was barely clear.
- He barely passed the test because he hardly prepared.
- I can barely stay focused because I hardly got any sleep.
- The room was hardly comfortable because it was barely heated.
- I could barely believe it because I was hardly expecting the news.
- She was hardly dressed warmly, so she could barely handle the cold.
- We could hardly finish the project because we barely had any help.
- He could barely breathe because he was hardly in shape.
- I hardly need help because I can barely handle it on my own.
- She was hardly surprised because she barely cared.
- The soup was hardly hot because it was barely reheated.
- I could barely recognize him because he hardly looked the same.
- We could hardly enjoy the show because we barely understood the language.
- She barely made any progress because she was hardly focused.
- He could barely hear because he was hardly listening.
- The exam was hardly difficult because it barely covered any material.
- I can hardly eat because I barely have any appetite.
- He was hardly seen at the party because he barely stayed.
- I can barely lift this box because I hardly have any strength left.
- The concert was hardly enjoyable because it was barely organized.
- She could barely walk because she was hardly rested.
- We could hardly reach the destination because we barely knew the way.
- He was hardly scared because he barely noticed the danger.
- I could barely open the door because it was hardly unlocked.
- The house was hardly visible because it was barely lit.
- I could hardly read the sign because it was barely visible.
- The teacher could barely hear the students because they were hardly speaking.
- I can barely finish my homework because I hardly have any time.
- He could barely speak because he was hardly conscious.
- She was hardly interested because it barely affected her.
- I could barely breathe because the air was hardly moving.
- He was hardly awake because he barely slept last night.
- We could hardly see the road because it was barely lit.
Đáp án
- I could barely see the mountain because it was hardly foggy.
- She hardly had time to finish her breakfast before she barely left for work.
- He hardly studies for his exams, so he barely passed.
- I barely have any money left after I hardly bought groceries.
- We can barely find a place to park because there is hardly any parking space.
- The baby is barely crying, but it’s hardly noticeable.
- I hardly have any friends, so I barely go out.
- The food was hardly cooked, and we could barely eat it.
- There was barely anyone at the party because it was hardly advertised.
- I hardly can remember his name because we barely met.
- She barely speaks English, so she can hardly understand the instructions.
- We could barely hear the music because it was hardly turned on.
- I can barely believe he hardly finished the race.
- He barely ever goes out, so he hardly knows his neighbors.
- She hardly eats anything, so she barely gains weight.
- I could hardly see the board because the teacher was barely writing anything.
- He was barely surprised by the news since he hardly cared.
- I can hardly keep my eyes open because I barely slept last night.
- She hardly made any mistakes, so I barely had to correct her.
- The restaurant was barely busy, so we hardly had to wait.
- The weather is hardly cold, so we barely need jackets.
- He could barely run because he hardly trained.
- She could hardly answer the questions because she barely studied.
- I hardly saw him at the party because I barely stayed long.
- The children are barely playing because they are hardly tired.
- I could barely taste the soup because it was hardly seasoned.
- He hardly spoke during the meeting because he barely understood the topic.
- I can barely breathe because the air is hardly fresh.
- She barely recognized him because he hardly changed.
- We could barely sleep because the room was hardly quiet.
- The store was barely open, and we hardly bought anything.
- She hardly got the job because she barely prepared for the interview.
- I barely enjoyed the movie because I could hardly hear it.
- He could hardly finish his meal because he barely liked it.
- We hardly went out because we barely had free time.
- She could barely concentrate because she hardly slept.
- The music was hardly loud, so we could barely dance.
- I hardly felt the cold because I was barely outside.
- He could barely swim because he hardly practiced.
- I can barely walk because I hardly rested my feet.
- The room was barely clean because it was hardly vacuumed.
- We could barely enjoy our vacation because we hardly relaxed.
- The book is barely interesting because it’s hardly detailed.
- She could barely answer because she was hardly paying attention.
- I hardly noticed the time because I was barely looking at the clock.
- He could hardly finish the marathon because he barely trained.
- I barely felt the pain because the cut was hardly deep.
- We barely made it to the show because we hardly left on time.
- She could hardly stay awake because she barely slept.
- He was barely involved because he hardly knew the project details.
- I could hardly drive because I was barely awake.
- The food was barely edible because it was hardly cooked.
- She could hardly pass the test because she barely studied.
- I hardly had any energy left because I barely ate anything.
- He could barely see because his glasses were hardly clean.
- She was hardly present because she barely contributed to the discussion.
- We could barely recognize the place because it hardly changed.
- I barely talked to him because we hardly met before.
- She could hardly understand because the instructions were barely clear.
- I can barely hear you because your voice is hardly audible.
- He could hardly remember the incident because he barely thought about it.
- We could barely find our way because the map was hardly detailed.
- I can hardly find time to relax because I barely have any free time.
- The water was hardly warm because it was barely heated.
- I could hardly see the movie because I was barely paying attention.
- The lecture was barely engaging because it was hardly relevant.
- She barely managed to get home because she was hardly feeling well.
- We could hardly see the stars because the sky was barely clear.
- He hardly passed the test because he barely prepared.
- I can barely stay focused because I hardly got any sleep.
- The room was barely comfortable because it was hardly heated.
- I could barely believe it because I was hardly expecting the news.
- She was hardly dressed warmly, so she could barely handle the cold.
- We could barely finish the project because we hardly had any help.
- He could hardly breathe because he was barely in shape.
- I barely need help because I can hardly handle it on my own.
- She was barely surprised because she hardly cared.
- The soup was barely hot because it was hardly reheated.
- I could hardly recognize him because he barely looked the same.
- We could barely enjoy the show because we hardly understood the language.
- She hardly made any progress because she was barely focused.
- He could barely hear because he was hardly listening.
- The exam was barely difficult because it hardly covered any material.
- I can hardly eat because I barely have any appetite.
- He was barely seen at the party because he hardly stayed.
- I can hardly lift this box because I barely have any strength left.
- The concert was barely enjoyable because it was hardly organized.
- She could hardly walk because she was barely rested.
- We could hardly reach the destination because we barely knew the way.
- He was barely scared because he hardly noticed the danger.
- I could barely open the door because it was hardly unlocked.
- The house was barely visible because it was hardly lit.
- I could hardly read the sign because it was barely visible.
- The teacher could barely hear the students because they were hardly speaking.
- I can hardly finish my homework because I barely have any time.
- He could barely speak because he was hardly conscious.
- She was hardly interested because it barely affected her.
- I could barely breathe because the air was hardly moving.
- He was hardly awake because he barely slept last night.
- We could barely see the road because it was hardly lit.
Điền từ đúng vào chỗ trống
- I can ______ believe what I just saw.
- She ______ had time to finish her breakfast before rushing out the door.
- He could ______ remember his own name after the accident.
- We ______ know each other, so I was surprised when he invited me to the party.
- The concert was so quiet that I could ______ hear the music.
- They ______ spoke to each other during the entire dinner.
- The company ______ made any profit last year due to the pandemic.
- I ______ have time to relax with all the work I have to do.
- We ______ escaped the storm before it hit the town.
- The baby is so quiet that I can ______ hear him crying.
- I ______ recognized her with that new hairstyle.
- He was so weak that he could ______ stand up.
- She could ______ keep her eyes open during the lecture.
- They ______ made it to the train station on time.
- I ______ saw anyone at the party last night.
- We ______ managed to finish the project before the deadline.
- He ______ touched his food at dinner because he wasn’t hungry.
- I could ______ see the road in the fog.
- The teacher could ______ hear the students over the noise.
- She ______ spoke a word during the meeting.
- There is ______ enough time to complete this assignment.
- The room was so dark that I could ______ see anything.
- They ______ had enough money to pay the bills.
- I ______ go out these days because I’m so busy.
- He ______ ate anything during the whole day.
- We ______ have any free time to travel.
- She could ______ walk after the long hike.
- The food was so bland that I could ______ taste anything.
- He ______ moved from his chair during the entire meeting.
- I could ______ believe what she told me.
- There is ______ any water left in the bottle.
- She could ______ understand the instructions because they were unclear.
- The team ______ made any progress in the project.
- He could ______ finish the race due to exhaustion.
- I ______ recognize him in that old photo.
- The phone battery was so low that I could ______ use it.
- They ______ know each other, but they still work well together.
- I ______ had time to catch my breath after running.
- We could ______ hear the announcement because of the noise.
- The room was so small that we could ______ move.
- She ______ made it to the airport before her flight took off.
- The sun was so bright that I could ______ see anything.
- He could ______ remember what happened that night.
- I ______ need any help, thanks. I can manage.
- They ______ speak to each other after the argument.
- I could ______ hear her voice over the music.
- We ______ finished the report on time.
- She ______ noticed the mistake in the document.
- He was so tired that he could ______ keep his eyes open.
- I ______ have any energy left after the workout.
- They ______ escaped the fire before it spread.
- I could ______ open the jar because it was so tight.
- The water was so cold that I could ______ swim.
- He could ______ walk after the surgery.
- I ______ remember what I wanted to say.
- The wind was so strong that we could ______ stand.
- She could ______ hold back her tears during the sad movie.
- The soup was so hot that I could ______ taste it.
- He ______ spoke a word to anyone after the incident.
- I ______ go to the gym because I have no time.
- She ______ passed the exam even though she studied hard.
- They ______ see each other due to their busy schedules.
- The room was so crowded that I could ______ breathe.
- He ______ knows what to do in difficult situations.
- I ______ have time to finish my homework yesterday.
- The task was so complicated that I could ______ complete it.
- She ______ made any mistakes in her report.
- We ______ have enough money to buy the car.
- He could ______ get out of bed due to his illness.
- I ______ ever go to the cinema these days.
- The coffee was so bitter that I could ______ drink it.
- She ______ slept last night because of the noise.
- He ______ visits his hometown anymore.
- The food was so spicy that I could ______ eat it.
- I ______ understand what he was saying.
- She ______ remember the details of the conversation.
- They could ______ find a parking spot near the mall.
- I ______ hear anything because of the loud music.
- He could ______ see through his foggy glasses.
- We ______ made it to the top of the mountain before sunset.
- The weather was so bad that I could ______ leave the house.
- She ______ goes out on weekends because she prefers staying home.
- He could ______ stay awake during the boring lecture.
- I ______ know anyone at the party.
- The instructions were so unclear that I could ______ follow them.
- We ______ have enough food for everyone at the party.
- I ______ read the text message without my glasses.
- The dog was so weak that it could ______ stand.
- She ______ talks about her personal life at work.
- I ______ find the book I was looking for in the library.
- He ______ got to the meeting on time because of traffic.
- We could ______ see the road signs in the heavy rain.
- She ______ answered her phone during the meeting.
- He ______ survived the harsh conditions in the wilderness.
- I ______ know what you’re talking about.
- The weather was so cold that I could ______ feel my fingers.
- They ______ made any noise so as not to wake the baby.
- He ______ came home before midnight because he was working late.
- The teacher could ______ hear the students’ questions in the noisy classroom.
- She ______ has any free time because of her busy schedule.
Đáp án
- I can hardly believe what I just saw.
- She barely had time to finish her breakfast before rushing out the door.
- He could barely remember his own name after the accident.
- We hardly know each other, so I was surprised when he invited me to the party.
- The concert was so quiet that I could hardly hear the music.
- They hardly spoke to each other during the entire dinner.
- The company hardly made any profit last year due to the pandemic.
- I hardly have time to relax with all the work I have to do.
- We barely escaped the storm before it hit the town.
- The baby is so quiet that I can barely hear him crying.
- I hardly recognized her with that new hairstyle.
- He was so weak that he could barely stand up.
- She could barely keep her eyes open during the lecture.
- They barely made it to the train station on time.
- I hardly saw anyone at the party last night.
- We barely managed to finish the project before the deadline.
- He hardly touched his food at dinner because he wasn’t hungry.
- I could barely see the road in the fog.
- The teacher could hardly hear the students over the noise.
- She hardly spoke a word during the meeting.
- There is barely enough time to complete this assignment.
- The room was so dark that I could hardly see anything.
- They barely had enough money to pay the bills.
- I hardly go out these days because I’m so busy.
- He hardly ate anything during the whole day.
- We hardly have any free time to travel.
- She could barely walk after the long hike.
- The food was so bland that I could hardly taste anything.
- He hardly moved from his chair during the entire meeting.
- I could barely believe what she told me.
- There is barely any water left in the bottle.
- She could hardly understand the instructions because they were unclear.
- The team barely made any progress in the project.
- He could barely finish the race due to exhaustion.
- I hardly recognize him in that old photo.
- The phone battery was so low that I could barely use it.
- They hardly know each other, but they still work well together.
- I barely had time to catch my breath after running.
- We could hardly hear the announcement because of the noise.
- The room was so small that we could barely move.
- She barely made it to the airport before her flight took off.
- The sun was so bright that I could hardly see anything.
- He could barely remember what happened that night.
- I hardly need any help, thanks. I can manage.
- They hardly speak to each other after the argument.
- I could hardly hear her voice over the music.
- We barely finished the report on time.
- She hardly noticed the mistake in the document.
- He was so tired that he could barely keep his eyes open.
- I hardly have any energy left after the workout.
- They barely escaped the fire before it spread.
- I could hardly open the jar because it was so tight.
- The water was so cold that I could hardly swim.
- He could barely walk after the surgery.
- I hardly remember what I wanted to say.
- The wind was so strong that we could barely stand.
- She could hardly hold back her tears during the sad movie.
- The soup was so hot that I could barely taste it.
- He hardly spoke a word to anyone after the incident.
- I hardly go to the gym because I have no time.
- She barely passed the exam even though she studied hard.
- They hardly see each other due to their busy schedules.
- The room was so crowded that I could barely breathe.
- He hardly knows what to do in difficult situations.
- I hardly have time to finish my homework yesterday.
- The task was so complicated that I could barely complete it.
- She hardly made any mistakes in her report.
- We barely have enough money to buy the car.
- He could barely get out of bed due to his illness.
- I hardly ever go to the cinema these days.
- The coffee was so bitter that I could barely drink it.
- She hardly slept last night because of the noise.
- He hardly visits his hometown anymore.
- The food was so spicy that I could barely eat it.
- I hardly understand what he was saying.
- She barely remember the details of the conversation.
- They could barely find a parking spot near the mall.
- I hardly hear anything because of the loud music.
- He could barely see through his foggy glasses.
- We barely made it to the top of the mountain before sunset.
- The weather was so bad that I could hardly leave the house.
- She hardly goes out on weekends because she prefers staying home.
- He could barely stay awake during the boring lecture.
- I hardly know anyone at the party.
- The instructions were so unclear that I could hardly follow them.
- We barely have enough food for everyone at the party.
- I hardly read the text message without my glasses.
- The dog was so weak that it could barely stand.
- She hardly talks about her personal life at work.
- I barely find the book I was looking for in the library.
- He barely got to the meeting on time because of traffic.
- We could hardly see the road signs in the heavy rain.
- She hardly answered her phone during the meeting.
- He barely survived the harsh conditions in the wilderness.
- I hardly know what you’re talking about.
- The weather was so cold that I could barely feel my fingers.
- They hardly made any noise so as not to wake the baby.
- He barely came home before midnight because he was working late.
- The teacher could barely hear the students’ questions in the noisy classroom.
- She hardly has any free time because of her busy schedule.
Mặc dù “Hardly” và “Barely” có ý nghĩa tương tự nhau, nhưng chúng lại khác biệt về mức độ và cách sử dụng trong câu. Hiểu rõ sự khác biệt này sẽ giúp bạn sử dụng chúng một cách chính xác và tự nhiên hơn trong giao tiếp hàng ngày.