IELTS Writing task 2 dạng 2-Part subscription-based services

IELTS Writing task 2 dạng 2-Part subscription-based services

Đề bài IELTS Writing task 2 dạng 2-Part subscription-based services

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Đề bài IELTS Writing task 2 dạng 2-Part subscription-based services

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task

The popularity of subscription-based services is growing. What are the reasons for this? How can people research this?

Write at least 250 words.

Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng 2-Part

In recent years, the popularity of subscription-based services has surged, transforming the way consumers access and engage with products and content. This essay will explore the reasons behind this growing trend and discuss how individuals can effectively research these services to make informed decisions.

One of the primary reasons for the rising popularity of subscription-based services is the convenience they offer. In a fast-paced world where time is a valuable commodity, these services provide users with easy access to a wide range of content and products without the need to make individual purchases. For example, streaming platforms like Netflix and Spotify allow subscribers to enjoy an extensive library of movies, TV shows, and music at their fingertips. This convenience is further enhanced by the ability to personalize content, making these services highly appealing to consumers who seek tailored experiences.

Another significant factor is the cost-effectiveness of subscription models. Instead of purchasing products or services outright, which can be expensive, consumers can pay a manageable monthly fee. This not only reduces the financial burden but also allows for continuous access to updated content or services. For instance, software companies like Adobe have transitioned to subscription models, enabling users to access the latest versions of their software without incurring high upfront costs.

However, with the abundance of subscription services available, it is crucial for consumers to conduct thorough research before committing to any service. One effective method is to read reviews and testimonials from current or past users. This can provide insights into the quality and value of the service, helping potential subscribers determine if it meets their needs. Additionally, comparing features and prices across different platforms can help individuals identify the most cost-effective option. For more in-depth research, consumers can also take advantage of free trials offered by many subscription-based services. This allows them to test the service firsthand and evaluate its suitability before making a financial commitment.

In conclusion, the growing popularity of subscription-based services can be attributed to the convenience and cost-effectiveness they offer. However, to avoid overspending or subscribing to unsuitable services, it is essential for consumers to conduct thorough research, such as reading reviews, comparing options, and utilizing free trials. While the trend towards subscriptions is likely to continue, making informed decisions will ensure that consumers get the best value for their money.

Thống kê cấu trúc câu và cấu trúc ngữ pháp

  1. Cấu trúc câu đơn:
    • “This essay will explore the reasons behind this growing trend and discuss how individuals can effectively research these services to make informed decisions.”
  2. Cấu trúc câu ghép:
    • “One of the primary reasons for the rising popularity of subscription-based services is the convenience they offer.”
    • “This not only reduces the financial burden but also allows for continuous access to updated content or services.”
  3. Cấu trúc câu phức:
    • “For example, streaming platforms like Netflix and Spotify allow subscribers to enjoy an extensive library of movies, TV shows, and music at their fingertips.”
    • “Another significant factor is the cost-effectiveness of subscription models.”
    • “However, with the abundance of subscription services available, it is crucial for consumers to conduct thorough research before committing to any service.”
    • “While the trend towards subscriptions is likely to continue, making informed decisions will ensure that consumers get the best value for their money.”
  4. Cấu trúc câu phức ghép:
    • “This convenience is further enhanced by the ability to personalize content, making these services highly appealing to consumers who seek tailored experiences.”
    • “One effective method is to read reviews and testimonials from current or past users, which can provide insights into the quality and value of the service, helping potential subscribers determine if it meets their needs.”
  5. Cấu trúc ngữ pháp:
    • Bị động: “This convenience is further enhanced by the ability to personalize content.”
    • Câu điều kiện: “If it meets their needs.”
    • Cụm động từ: “Make informed decisions.”
    • Cụm từ chỉ mục đích: “To avoid overspending or subscribing to unsuitable services.”
    • Mệnh đề quan hệ: “That consumers get the best value for their money.”

Các từ kết nối các câu và các đoạn:

  1. One of the primary reasons – Liên kết giới thiệu lý do đầu tiên.
  2. For example – Liên kết cung cấp ví dụ minh họa.
  3. This convenience is further enhanced by – Liên kết mở rộng ý tưởng về sự tiện lợi.
  4. Another significant factor is – Liên kết giới thiệu lý do khác.
  5. Instead of – Liên kết sự đối lập.
  6. However – Liên kết biểu thị sự trái ngược hoặc quan điểm khác.
  7. Additionally – Liên kết bổ sung thông tin.
  8. For instance – Liên kết cung cấp một ví dụ khác.
  9. In conclusion – Liên kết đưa ra kết luận.
  10. While – Liên kết chỉ sự đối lập giữa hai mệnh đề.
  11. Not only…but also – Liên kết các yếu tố cùng được nhấn mạnh trong một câu.

Các từ vựng tiếng Anh cần lưu ý trong bài viết

  1. Popularity – Sự phổ biến
  2. Subscription-based services – Dịch vụ dựa trên đăng ký
  3. Surged – Tăng mạnh
  4. Transforming – Thay đổi
  5. Consumers – Người tiêu dùng
  6. Engage – Tham gia, sử dụng
  7. Convenience – Sự tiện lợi
  8. Access – Truy cập
  9. Individual purchases – Mua sắm cá nhân
  10. Streaming platforms – Nền tảng phát trực tuyến
  11. Tailored experiences – Trải nghiệm được cá nhân hóa
  12. Cost-effectiveness – Hiệu quả về chi phí
  13. Upfront costs – Chi phí trả trước
  14. Thorough research – Nghiên cứu kỹ lưỡng
  15. Testimonials – Lời chứng thực, đánh giá
  16. Value – Giá trị
  17. Compare – So sánh
  18. In-depth research – Nghiên cứu sâu rộng
  19. Free trials – Dùng thử miễn phí
  20. Financial commitment – Cam kết tài chính
  21. Cost-effective option – Lựa chọn hiệu quả về chi phí
  22. Suitability – Sự phù hợp

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