IELTS Writing Task 1 yêu cầu thí sinh phân tích biểu đồ Bar Chart minh họa số lượng khách hàng sử dụng dịch vụ ngân hàng trong 3 tháng của ba ngân hàng khác nhau. Thí sinh cần mô tả và so sánh số liệu giữa các ngân hàng, chỉ ra xu hướng tăng giảm qua từng tháng. Bài viết nên bao gồm thông tin chính xác và các từ ngữ liên quan đến số liệu để thể hiện khả năng ngôn ngữ và phân tích biểu đồ.
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IELTS Writing Task 1 Bar Chart: Customers Banking
You should spent about 20 mintutes on this task
IELTS Writing Task 1 requires candidates to analyze a bar chart illustrating the number of customers using banking services over three months at three different banks. Candidates need to describe and compare the figures between the banks, highlighting trends of increase and decrease each month. The essay should include accurate information and relevant terminology to demonstrate language proficiency and chart analysis skills.
You should write at least 150 words.
Tháng/Năm | Ngân hàng A | Ngân hàng B | Ngân hàng C |
Tháng 1 | 10,500 | 12,300 | 11,000 |
Tháng 2 | 11,000 | 12,800 | 11,200 |
Tháng 3 | 11,500 | 13,200 | 11,500 |

IELTS Writing 1
This report analyzes the number of customers using services at three different banks over three months. The banks in question are Bank A, Bank B, and Bank C. The data provided for January, February, and March shows a general trend in customer numbers, highlighting the growth or decline in usage for each bank over the specified period.
Body 1: Bank A
In January, Bank A had 10,500 customers. The number of customers increased to 11,000 in February and further to 11,500 in March. This shows a steady growth pattern, with an average monthly increase of 500 customers. Bank A’s consistent rise in customer numbers suggests successful customer acquisition strategies or enhanced customer satisfaction over the three months.
Body 2: Bank B and Bank C
Bank B had the highest number of customers among the three banks. Starting with 12,300 in January, the customer count rose to 12,800 in February and reached 13,200 in March. The incremental increase each month indicates a strong market presence and effective service offerings that attract new customers regularly.
Bank C, on the other hand, started with 11,000 customers in January. In February, the number slightly increased to 11,200 and then to 11,500 in March. Although Bank C shows growth, it is more modest compared to Bank B and similar to Bank A’s growth pattern, reflecting steady but slower gains in customer numbers.
In summary, Bank A and Bank C exhibit steady growth, while Bank B shows a stronger upward trend in customer numbers over the three months.
IELTS Writing 2
The table below represents the number of customers utilizing the services of three different banks over three months. This data is hypothetical and illustrates the customer trends for Banks A, B, and C from January to March.
Body 1
In January, Bank B had the highest number of customers, totaling 12,300. Bank C followed with 11,000 customers, while Bank A had the fewest at 10,500. This initial month indicates a competitive start among the banks, with Bank B leading by a significant margin.
Moving to February, all three banks saw an increase in their customer base. Bank B maintained its lead with 12,800 customers, followed by Bank A with 11,000 customers, and Bank C with 11,200. The growth in customer numbers for all banks suggests a positive trend in service utilization and customer acquisition.
Body 2
In March, the upward trend continued for all three banks. Bank B again had the highest number of customers, reaching 13,200. Bank A saw an increase to 11,500 customers, and Bank C also experienced growth, matching Bank A’s total of 11,500 customers. This month highlights the consistent popularity of Bank B, while Banks A and C showed equal customer numbers, indicating a competitive parity between them.
Overall, the data suggests that while all three banks are growing in customer numbers, Bank B consistently holds the top position. The increasing trend across the months for all banks demonstrates a healthy competitive environment and a growing customer base.