IELTS Writing Task 1 yêu cầu thí sinh mô tả doanh thu bán hàng hàng tháng trong năm 2021 của bốn cửa hàng khác nhau, được trình bày dưới dạng biểu đồ cột (Bar Chart). Thí sinh cần phân tích và so sánh sự khác biệt về doanh thu giữa các tháng và giữa các cửa hàng một cách rõ ràng và logic.
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IELTS Writing Task 1 Bar Chart: Sales Revenue 2
You should spent about 20 mintutes on this task
IELTS Writing Task 1 requires candidates to describe the monthly sales revenue in 2021 of four different stores, presented in a bar chart. Candidates need to analyze and compare the differences in revenue between the months and between the stores in a clear and logical manner.
You should write at least 150 words.
Tháng | Cửa hàng A (triệu VND) | Cửa hàng B (triệu VND) | Cửa hàng C (triệu VND) | Cửa hàng D (triệu VND) |
Tháng 1 | 120 | 150 | 130 | 110 |
Tháng 2 | 115 | 140 | 125 | 105 |
Tháng 3 | 130 | 160 | 135 | 120 |
Tháng 4 | 125 | 155 | 130 | 115 |
Tháng 5 | 135 | 165 | 140 | 125 |
Tháng 6 | 140 | 170 | 145 | 130 |
Tháng 7 | 145 | 175 | 150 | 135 |
Tháng 8 | 150 | 180 | 155 | 140 |
Tháng 9 | 155 | 185 | 160 | 145 |
Tháng 10 | 160 | 190 | 165 | 150 |
Tháng 11 | 165 | 195 | 170 | 155 |
Tháng 12 | 170 | 200 | 175 | 160 |

Bài mẫu 1
The table illustrates the monthly sales revenue (in million VND) of four different stores (A, B, C, and D) throughout the year 2021.
Overall, all four stores experienced an upward trend in their sales revenue over the year. Store B consistently achieved the highest sales each month, while Store D had the lowest sales figures compared to the others.
Body 1:
In January, Store B had the highest sales revenue at 150 million VND, followed by Store C with 130 million VND, Store A with 120 million VND, and Store D with 110 million VND. Store B maintained its leading position throughout the year, reaching 200 million VND in December. Store C and Store A also showed steady growth, ending the year with 175 million VND and 170 million VND, respectively.
Body 2:
Store D, while consistently having the lowest sales among the four stores, also showed gradual improvement. Starting from 110 million VND in January, Store D’s revenue increased to 160 million VND by December. This pattern of growth was observed across all stores, indicating a positive trend in sales revenue over the year. Store A and C followed similar trajectories, with their revenues increasing steadily month by month.
Bài mẫu 2
The table shows the monthly sales revenue in millions of VND for four different stores in the year 2021. The data is provided for each month, from January to December.
Overall, Store B consistently had the highest sales revenue each month, while Store D had the lowest. All stores showed a general trend of increasing sales over the year, with notable growth towards the end of the year.
Body 1:
At the beginning of the year, in January, Store B led with a revenue of 150 million VND, followed by Store C with 130 million VND, Store A with 120 million VND, and Store D with 110 million VND. This trend remained fairly consistent for the first half of the year. By June, the sales revenue for Store B had increased to 170 million VND, Store A to 140 million VND, Store C to 145 million VND, and Store D to 130 million VND.
Body 2:
In the latter half of the year, all stores continued to see a rise in sales. By December, Store B reached 200 million VND, maintaining its lead. Store A and Store C also saw significant growth, reaching 170 million VND and 175 million VND, respectively. Store D, although having the lowest sales throughout the year, ended with a revenue of 160 million VND, showing steady progress.
In summary, while Store B consistently outperformed the others, all four stores demonstrated an upward trend in their monthly sales revenue over the year.
Bài mẫu 3
The table presents the monthly sales revenue of four different stores (A, B, C, and D) in 2021, measured in million VND.
Overview: Overall, Store B consistently recorded the highest sales revenue throughout the year, while Store D had the lowest. All stores showed a general upward trend in sales revenue from January to December.
Body 1: At the beginning of the year, Store B led with 150 million VND in January, followed by Store C with 130 million VND, Store A with 120 million VND, and Store D with 110 million VND. By mid-year, in June, the sales figures rose to 170 million VND for Store B, 145 million VND for Store C, 140 million VND for Store A, and 130 million VND for Store D. This pattern indicates a steady increase for all stores during the first half of the year.
Body 2: The upward trend continued in the latter half of the year, with Store B reaching 200 million VND in December. Store C and Store A also saw significant increases, ending the year at 175 million VND and 170 million VND respectively. Store D, although having the lowest figures throughout the year, showed improvement as well, closing the year at 160 million VND. Notably, Store B had the highest growth rate, maintaining its leading position, while Store D, despite the lowest revenue, demonstrated a positive growth trend.
In conclusion, all four stores experienced growth in their monthly sales revenue over the year 2021, with Store B consistently outperforming the others.
Bài mẫu 4
The table illustrates the monthly sales revenue of four different stores (A, B, C, and D) in 2021, measured in million VND.
Overall, Store B consistently had the highest sales revenue throughout the year, while Store D had the lowest. All stores experienced a general increase in revenue over the year, with Store A and Store C showing more significant growth in the latter months.
In the first half of the year, Store B led with sales starting at 150 million VND in January and gradually rising to 175 million VND by July. Store A, beginning at 120 million VND, saw a steady increase, reaching 145 million VND in July. Store C and Store D also followed a similar pattern, starting at 130 million VND and 110 million VND, respectively, and increasing to 150 million VND and 135 million VND by July.
In the second half of the year, the upward trend continued for all stores. Store B’s revenue peaked at 200 million VND in December. Store A, which had the second-highest revenue by the end of the year, increased to 170 million VND. Store C and Store D, while maintaining the third and fourth positions, also saw increases, ending the year at 175 million VND and 160 million VND, respectively.
In conclusion, while all stores experienced growth in sales revenue throughout 2021, Store B consistently outperformed the others, and Store D had the lowest revenue.
Bài mẫu 5
The table presents the monthly sales revenue in million VND of four different stores (A, B, C, and D) throughout the year 2021. This data provides an insight into the performance trends of each store over the specified period.
Overall, all four stores experienced a steady increase in sales revenue from January to December. Store B consistently had the highest revenue each month, while Store D had the lowest sales figures. Despite variations, all stores showed a clear upward trend in their monthly earnings.
Body 1:
Store A started the year with a revenue of 120 million VND in January and ended with 170 million VND in December. The store saw a gradual increase in sales each month, with notable growth between May and December, where the revenue rose from 135 to 170 million VND. Store B demonstrated the highest monthly revenues among the four, starting at 150 million VND in January and peaking at 200 million VND in December. The store showed consistent growth throughout the year, with a significant increase in sales from September onwards.
Body 2:
Store C’s revenue followed a similar upward trajectory, starting at 130 million VND in January and reaching 175 million VND by December. The store experienced steady growth, particularly from July to December, where it saw a monthly increase of 5 million VND. Store D, while having the lowest figures, also showed progress, beginning with 110 million VND in January and ending with 160 million VND in December. Although its monthly increments were smaller compared to the other stores, it maintained a steady increase throughout the year.
In conclusion, all four stores exhibited a positive trend in their monthly sales revenue over the year 2021, with Store B leading in sales figures, followed by Store C, Store A, and finally Store D.