IELTS Writing Task 1 yêu cầu mô tả biểu đồ đường thể hiện thời tiết. Biểu đồ cung cấp thông tin về sự thay đổi nhiệt độ, lượng mưa, và độ ẩm theo thời gian. Bạn cần so sánh các dữ liệu, nêu rõ xu hướng và đặc điểm nổi bật, và mô tả các điểm thay đổi quan trọng.
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Bài tập IELTS Writing Task 1 The Weather
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task
IELTS Writing Task 1 requires describing a line graph showing the weather. The graph provides information on changes in temperature, rainfall, and humidity over time. You need to compare the data, highlight trends and notable features, and describe significant changes.
You should write at least 150 words.

Tham khảo 1
The line graph illustrates the fluctuations in temperature (in degrees Celsius) over a period of ten days in four different cities: Hanoi, New York, Manila, and Singapore.
Overall, New York experiences the most dramatic changes in temperature, whereas Singapore maintains relatively stable and high temperatures. Hanoi shows significant temperature variations, while Manila exhibits a general downward trend.
Body 1
From Monday to Wednesday, temperatures in Hanoi initially rise from 20°C to a peak of 60°C on Tuesday before dropping to 30°C on Wednesday. The following days see further fluctuations, culminating in a significant decrease to 4°C by the second Thursday. Conversely, New York’s temperature starts at 50°C on Monday, peaks at 120°C by the second Wednesday, with several ups and downs in between.
Body 2
Manila’s temperatures exhibit a general decline from 30°C on Monday to 0°C on the second Thursday, with a notable dip to 10°C on Wednesday and Sunday. Singapore, however, starts at a high of 90°C on the first Monday, decreasing to 20°C by the second Monday, and then stabilizes around 10-60°C over the remaining period. This city consistently shows higher temperatures than the others, indicating a less variable climate.
In summary, New York and Hanoi show significant temperature fluctuations, while Manila and Singapore exhibit more predictable patterns, with Manila trending downward and Singapore maintaining a generally higher temperature range.
Tham khảo 2
The line graph illustrates the temperature variations in four cities – Hanoi, New York, Manila, and Singapore – over a span of ten days.
Overall, the temperatures in New York exhibit a significant upward trend, whereas Hanoi and Manila experience notable fluctuations. Singapore, on the other hand, shows a steady decline throughout the observed period.
In the first part of the week, temperatures in Hanoi start at 20°C on Monday, rise sharply to 60°C on Tuesday, then drop to 30°C on Wednesday. By Thursday, the temperature increases slightly to 40°C, followed by a decrease to 20°C on Friday, and continues to decline over the weekend. Conversely, New York’s temperature remains relatively high, beginning at 50°C on Monday and peaking at 70°C by Wednesday. After a dip to 30°C on Thursday, it steadily rises to reach 70°C again by Sunday.
In contrast, Manila shows a different pattern, starting at 30°C on Monday and decreasing to 20°C by Tuesday. The temperature then drops further to 10°C by Wednesday, rises to 50°C on Thursday, and stabilizes around 20-40°C for the remainder of the week. Singapore starts the week at a high of 90°C on Monday, then gradually declines to 50°C by Wednesday, fluctuating slightly around 40-70°C for the rest of the week.
In summary, New York experiences the most significant increase in temperature, while Hanoi and Manila show substantial fluctuations. Singapore’s temperatures, while initially high, gradually decline throughout the week.
Tham khảo 3
The line graph provides information about the temperature variations in four cities – Hanoi, New York, Manila, and Singapore – over a period of eleven days.
Overall, New York exhibits the most significant fluctuations in temperature, while Hanoi’s temperatures show less variability. Manila and Singapore experience moderate changes throughout the period.
On Monday, Hanoi and New York start at temperatures of 20°C and 50°C respectively, while Manila and Singapore begin at 30°C and 90°C. Hanoi’s temperatures peak at 60°C on Tuesday before declining to 4°C by Thursday the following week. New York, on the other hand, shows a continuous rise, peaking at 120°C on Wednesday in the second week. Manila experiences a more stable yet slight fluctuation, starting at 30°C and dropping to 0°C on Thursday in the final week. Singapore begins at 90°C, with a noticeable decrease to 10°C by the end of the period.
In the middle of the week, New York shows a significant rise from 70°C on Wednesday to 100°C on Tuesday and finally reaching its peak at 120°C on Wednesday the following week. Conversely, Singapore’s temperatures drop consistently from 80°C on Tuesday to 10°C by the second Thursday. Manila’s temperatures demonstrate minor fluctuations, remaining relatively stable compared to the other cities. Hanoi, after peaking on Tuesday, sees a sharp decline to below 10°C towards the end of the period.
In conclusion, New York and Singapore show significant temperature changes over the period, while Hanoi and Manila exhibit smaller fluctuations, with Hanoi experiencing the most considerable decrease and New York the highest increase in temperatures.
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